Hi RVA Supporter,
Rare Voices Australia (RVA) has been pleased to co-host two webinars in October with Patient Voice Initiative and Lymphoma Australia regarding the next steps for the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Policy and Methods Review implementation. Thank you to the Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care, for speaking at the first webinar and for his willingness to work with a collaborative consumer group response to the proposal for an independent multistakeholder Implementation Committee. Following the webinar, this letter (download a copy) was sent to Minister Butler. Thank you to the 50 health consumer organisations that co-signed the letter. Today’s follow up webinar focused on forming a collective response regarding implementation priorities. While the legitimate variation across our health consumer community is to be expected, this approach has provided a wonderful example of the broader consumer sector working together effectively and in a collaborative manner regarding common issues.
2024 National Rare Disease Summit
RVA’s 2024 National Rare Disease Summit is now just over a couple of weeks away. Our team is looking forward to bringing together key rare disease stakeholders in Brisbane on 15 and 16 November to explore the theme, Progress Beyond Policy. Attendance is by invitation to ensure stakeholder balance. If you have received an invitation, please note that registrations close today (31 October 2024).
Implementation of the Australian Government’s National Strategic Action Plan for Rare Diseases (the Action Plan) requires ongoing collaboration and support from the entire rare disease sector to achieve its vision: The best possible health and wellbeing outcomes for Australians living with a rare disease. The Summit is a fantastic opportunity to progress Action Plan implementation and is a highlight on the Australian rare disease calendar. I look forward to seeing those attending and welcoming Senator Wendy Askew, Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Rare Diseases and Senator for Tasmania, who will be joining us in person.
2025 Rare Disease Day Parliamentary Event
The countdown to Rare Disease Day has already commenced! Rare Disease Day is marked on the last day of February annually, and RVA is the national alliance representing Australia in annual Rare Disease Day preparations. We are also on the Rare Disease Day Steering Committee, which takes a longer-term strategic view of the campaign. The 2025 Rare Disease Day campaign will be launched on 20 November 2024 (100 days out from Rare Disease Day) with the official Rare Disease Day video. We are very proud to share that RVA Ambassador, Tammie Rees, and her daughter Ava are featured in the video and one of the official posters. Learn more about Rare Disease Day and download the campaign materials via the website.
RVA is excited to confirm that our annual Rare Disease Day Federal Parliamentary Event will take place on Tuesday, 11 February 2025. Invitations will be distributed to those invited in early 2025. All RVA Partner organisations/groups will receive an invitation and a Save the Date was distributed last week to RVA Partners. The event will once again be hosted by the Parliamentary Friends of Australians Living with Rare Diseases.
Parliamentary Events provide stakeholders with the opportunity to meet and speak with politicians to further highlight rare diseases and continue building on the momentum already generated to accelerate progress beyond policy. Enabling politicians to gain a better understanding and awareness about rare diseases is even more important as we head into a Federal Election year in 2025.
2025 Federal Election: Rare Voices Australia Election Commitment Requests
Regarding the 2025 Federal Election, in addition to and aligned with our recent Pre-Budget Submission, RVA has written to Minister Butler and Senator the Hon Anne Ruston, Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care, requesting four election commitments on behalf of the rare disease sector:
1. Honour the commitment to establish the independent multistakeholder Implementation Committee to oversee implementation of the HTA Policy and Methods Review final reports (read more via RVA’s website)
2. Complete the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions refresh, ensuring that the revised version responds to the needs of the rare disease community
3. Investment to progress Rare Disease Centres of Expertise, which are critical to addressing gaps and providing better rare disease care
4. Ensure the Australian Government adopts an ongoing codesign approach to work with RVA to ensure disability policy and supports respond to the needs of the rare disease community
These four commitments align with the priorities, actions and implementation steps detailed in the Action Plan and will accelerate its collaborative implementation.
Help Shape Rare Disease Research in Australia
RVA and The Kids Research Institute Australia (formerly Telethon Kids Institute) are conducting a Rare Disease Research Priority Setting Partnership Project. The project aims to identify and prioritise the 10 most important unanswered research questions for the future of rare disease research in Australia. The project is taking place over the next 12 months and involves three stages (read more in the newsletter article). The first stage involves an online survey, which is live now and asks those eligible about their most important research questions or concerns about rare disease. Complete the survey and visit The Kids Research Institute Australia's website to learn more.
Nicole Millis
Chief Executive Officer
Rare Voices Australia |